Cultivating a diverse and inclusive culture

We aim to positively shape the futures of our employees, industry, and local communities through supportive initiatives that drive inclusion and engagement.

Our DEI philosophy

Clarion Partners recognizes diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as both cultural and business imperatives. We believe a diverse and inclusive workplace enhances our culture, and leads to improved engagement and more fulfilling experiences for our employees.
Through a multi-year DEI strategy aligned with our business goals and objectives, we are committed to continuing to build an environment where all employees treat one another with respect and dignity and that everyone feels comfortable coming to work as their whole self each day.

Guiding framework

Diversity icon 

Workforce Makeup

Engage diverse perspectives at every level

Employer of Choice

Equity Icon 

Social Impact and Firm Value

Influence social equality through shared value initiatives

Corporate Citizenship

Inclusion icon 

Workplace Behaviors

Foster an environment where individuals are treated fairly and have equal opportunities

Trusted Employer

Download Clarion's DEI Fact Sheet

  • Female Ratio
  • Ethnic Diversity Ratio
  • Female Ratio
Key data highlights:





  • Ethnic Diversity Ratio
Key data highlights:





Metrics are as of December 31, 2024. Ratios do not include Clarion Europe personnel.



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Clarion's DEI Council

The DEI Council, which is co-led by Managing Director Khalid Rashid and Senior Vice President Sherrida Traynham, consists of a mix of established and junior professionals from various parts of the business who share their unique perspectives on how to best foster DEI within Clarion. The Council works closely in partnership with Human Resources and the Executive Board to implement the Council's objectives, and to obtain accountability and engagement from the highest levels of the organization.
DEI Leadership Chart
Khalid Rashid  
"Our Firm's DEI Council was designed to respond quickly and effectively to the needs and expectations of not only our employees but also the next generation of commercial real estate professionals."

— Khalid Rashid, DEI Council Co-Chair

Our DEI partners

Clarion is committed to cultivating and retaining a diverse and multicultural workforce. We believe building a collaborative environment of diverse perspectives is key to the success of our Firm and our clients. We proudly partner with organizations that share our mission and work together to provide mentorship and increased career opportunities in the communities where we work and operate.

PREA Foundation logo 

WX logo 

IWIRE North Texas logo 

Toigo logo 

SEO logo 

StreetWise Partners logo 

Cristo Rey logo 

REEC logo 

Urban Alliance logo 

Project REAP logo 


Business Resource Groups

In conjunction with Franklin Templeton, Clarion offers a wide range of employee-led Business Resource Groups (BRGs) to help colleagues with shared identities and interests and allies stay connected. Our senior leaders champion and support the strategic planning and programming of these groups.
Learn more about each of the BRGs
group of diverse employees 
Group of women at CPWLN event in Dallas 

Women's Leadership Network 

Clarion's Women’s Leadership Network (CPWLN) regularly hosts a variety of learning and relationship-building opportunities across our offices. In addition to educational workshops and mentoring circles, CPWLN offers an Industry Insights program featuring notable women in commercial real estate, volunteer community outreach opportunities, networking activities, and more.

Learn more about our culture

Vendor Diversity Initiative

Over 1,300 of Clarion’s service providers are Minority, Women, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (MWDBE) businesses. Through our vendor diversity questionnaire and scorecard, Clarion continues to assess, evaluate, and expand our pipeline of diverse suppliers. 
handshake with diverse vendor 

Get in touch

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Our offices

  • New York (HQ)
  • Boston
  • Chicago
  • Dallas
  • Los Angeles
  • London
  • Amsterdam
  • Frankfurt
  • Jersey
  • Madrid
  • Paris

Investment in real estate is speculative and involves significant risk. For more information about certain of the material risks and limitations associated with Clarion Partners’ investment advisory products, strategies and services, please see Clarion’s current Form ADV Part 2A brochure, which is available on the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at Investors should consider their investment objectives, and it is strongly suggested that the reader seek his or her own independent advice in relation to any investment, financial, legal, tax, accounting or regulatory risks and evaluate their own risk tolerance before investing.

This material does not constitute investment advice, nor does it constitute an offer in any product or strategy offered by Clarion Partners LLC or Clarion Partners Europe, and should not be viewed as a current or past recommendation to buy or sell any securities. Any specific investment referenced may or may not be held in a Clarion Partners client account. It should not be assumed that any investment, in any property or other asset, was or will be profitable.

All Clarion Partners LLC and Clarion Partners Europe statistics, data and charts, including but not limited to assets under management (AUM), ESG data, sector data and property data, as well as data related to our investors, tenants and employees, are as of December 31, 2024 unless otherwise noted.

Photos used in this website were selected based on visual appearance, are used for illustrative purposes only, and are not necessarily reflective of all the investments in a Clarion fund or portfolio or the investments a Clarion fund or portfolio will make in the future.

Risks Related To Environmental, Social, And Governance (“ESG”) Matters. Clarion Partners can choose, in its discretion, whether to take into account ESG considerations in its investment decision-making, as and to the extent consistent with its fiduciary obligations, applicable law, and the relevant governing documents and investment management agreements of its clients (as applicable). In certain circumstances, due to ESG considerations, Clarion Partners may not make or not recommend the making of investments when it would otherwise have done so, which could adversely affect the performance of a client’s portfolio. On the other hand, Clarion Partners may determine not to take such considerations into account. The extent to which Clarion Partners takes ESG considerations into account varies from client portfolio to client portfolio, based on, among other things, the portfolio’s investment objective, investment strategies, and investment restrictions, as outlined in the relevant governing documents and investment management agreements of its clients (as applicable) as well as applicable law.

Clarion Partners is dependent upon ESG information and data obtained through voluntary or third-party reporting that may be incomplete, inaccurate, or unavailable, which could cause Clarion Partners to incorrectly assess a potential investment’s ESG attributes and/or related risks and opportunities. While ESG is only one of the many factors Clarion Partners might consider in making an investment, there is no guarantee that Clarion Partners will consider such factors at all or that Clarion Partners will successfully implement and make investments that create positive ESG impact while enhancing value and achieving financial returns. ESG initiatives may not achieve the desired financial and social results, or the market or society may not view any such changes as desirable. Any successful engagement efforts on the part of Clarion Partners will depend, in part, on Clarion Partners’ skill in properly identifying and analyzing material ESG data and factors, and their potential impact on value. There can be no assurance that any ESG techniques employed will be successful.

For more information about certain of the material risks and limitations associated with Clarion Partners’ investment advisory products, strategies and services, please see Clarion’s current Form ADV Part 2A brochure, which is available on the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at


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