Driven by accountability and integrity

We believe that governance and management policies serve as the foundation for Clarion Partners’ reputation as a trusted advisor.

Guiding principles: Governance


ESG Oversight. 
Maintain a structured and holistic firmwide ESG program that is responsive to industry requirements


Cultivate an ESG program that fosters collaboration, drives positive change throughout the supply chain, and maximizes value


Transparency and Disclosure. 
Leverage third-party, external reporting and certifications to benchmark properties and aim to improve performance on reporting metrics over time


ESG Risk Management. 
Proactively manage physical and transition risk due to climate change and other risks for our Firm 

The objectives described above are subject to change and there can be no guarantee that all objectives will be achieved.

Clarion’s ESG Committee leads the implementation of our ESG strategy, reporting to the Operating Committee and Executive Board, and is interwoven across Firm functions.

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ESG leadership

At Clarion Partners, we believe every department is essential to the success of our ESG program, and all employees are encouraged to take an active role in advancing ESG initiatives. Clarion's ESG Committee includes representation from Asset Management, Portfolio Management, Acquisitions, Legal and Compliance, Human Resources, Client Capital Management and sector heads for each property type.
ESG Leadership Chart

Environmental risk management

High-Rise building in Boston next to park

Clarion Partners considers both owned assets and potential new investments for physical, transition, and social factors that could potentially become an investment risk or a hazard to building occupants. We utilize the Task Force for Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework to ensure our climate and resilience programs are comprehensive and aligned with a global standard.

  • Review risks during initial due diligence including climate impact, natural hazards, health and safety, and consumption data.
  • This initial reporting outlines both current deficiencies and efficiency opportunities, enabling Asset Managers to mitigate selected risks related to the function and efficiency of sustainability efforts and prioritize and budget for respective projects.
  • Our ESG consultant conducts the first risk/resilience assessment, and a follow-up assessment is typically conducted by Clarion with an outside resilience vendor.
  • Clarion manages and tracks utility data for select funds and separate accounts to monitor progress towards our long-term goals and performance targets.

Transparency & reporting

Clarion Partners has established a culture of accountability and integrity by operating our business and managing our portfolios with the aim of incorporating transparency, fairness, and honesty. We report our ESG data to GRESB and the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) and align our program and data with industry reporting standards.
  • UN PRI

Clarion Partners has reported to GRESB annually since 2012 for participating funds and separate accounts. In 2024, Clarion submitted eight assessments to GRESB resulting in one fund achieving 5 Stars, one fund achieving 4 Stars, and four funds achieving 3 Stars. Our Firm’s participation in GRESB is a key part of our strategy for benchmarking ESG performance, and we use the feedback from these assessments to inform project planning and initiatives.   

Data as of December 1, 2024. Certain rating programs require payment of submission, review, or rating fees. Please view important information regarding these ratings here.

GRESB Scores 

  • Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI)
Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI)

Since 2013, Clarion Partners has reported to the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) on our Firmwide ESG efforts. Clarion received 4 out of 5 stars on the Policy, Governance, and Strategy Module and 4 out of 5 stars on the Direct – Real Estate Module in our 2024 PRI Assessment.

Data as of December 1, 2024. Certain rating programs require payment of submission, review, or rating fees. Please view important information regarding these ratings here. Assessment Report and Public Transparency Report can be provided upon request.

UN PRI results as of December 1, 2024 

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Our offices

  • New York (HQ)
  • Boston
  • Chicago
  • Dallas
  • Los Angeles
  • London
  • Amsterdam
  • Frankfurt
  • Jersey
  • Madrid
  • Paris

Investment in real estate is speculative and involves significant risk. For more information about certain of the material risks and limitations associated with Clarion Partners’ investment advisory products, strategies and services, please see Clarion’s current Form ADV Part 2A brochure, which is available on the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at Investors should consider their investment objectives, and it is strongly suggested that the reader seek his or her own independent advice in relation to any investment, financial, legal, tax, accounting or regulatory risks and evaluate their own risk tolerance before investing.

This material does not constitute investment advice, nor does it constitute an offer in any product or strategy offered by Clarion Partners LLC or Clarion Partners Europe, and should not be viewed as a current or past recommendation to buy or sell any securities. Any specific investment referenced may or may not be held in a Clarion Partners client account. It should not be assumed that any investment, in any property or other asset, was or will be profitable.

All Clarion Partners LLC and Clarion Partners Europe statistics, data and charts, including but not limited to assets under management (AUM), ESG data, sector data and property data, as well as data related to our investors, tenants and employees, are as of December 31, 2024 unless otherwise noted.

Photos used in this website were selected based on visual appearance, are used for illustrative purposes only, and are not necessarily reflective of all the investments in a Clarion fund or portfolio or the investments a Clarion fund or portfolio will make in the future.

Risks Related To Environmental, Social, And Governance (“ESG”) Matters. Clarion Partners can choose, in its discretion, whether to take into account ESG considerations in its investment decision-making, as and to the extent consistent with its fiduciary obligations, applicable law, and the relevant governing documents and investment management agreements of its clients (as applicable). In certain circumstances, due to ESG considerations, Clarion Partners may not make or not recommend the making of investments when it would otherwise have done so, which could adversely affect the performance of a client’s portfolio. On the other hand, Clarion Partners may determine not to take such considerations into account. The extent to which Clarion Partners takes ESG considerations into account varies from client portfolio to client portfolio, based on, among other things, the portfolio’s investment objective, investment strategies, and investment restrictions, as outlined in the relevant governing documents and investment management agreements of its clients (as applicable) as well as applicable law.

Clarion Partners is dependent upon ESG information and data obtained through voluntary or third-party reporting that may be incomplete, inaccurate, or unavailable, which could cause Clarion Partners to incorrectly assess a potential investment’s ESG attributes and/or related risks and opportunities. While ESG is only one of the many factors Clarion Partners might consider in making an investment, there is no guarantee that Clarion Partners will consider such factors at all or that Clarion Partners will successfully implement and make investments that create positive ESG impact while enhancing value and achieving financial returns. ESG initiatives may not achieve the desired financial and social results, or the market or society may not view any such changes as desirable. Any successful engagement efforts on the part of Clarion Partners will depend, in part, on Clarion Partners’ skill in properly identifying and analyzing material ESG data and factors, and their potential impact on value. There can be no assurance that any ESG techniques employed will be successful.

For more information about certain of the material risks and limitations associated with Clarion Partners’ investment advisory products, strategies and services, please see Clarion’s current Form ADV Part 2A brochure, which is available on the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at


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