
Clarion Partners Wins 2024 Kingsley Excellence Award

Feature Story

Kingsley Excellence Award Winner 2024 Logo

​​​​Properties recognized as best-in-class for tenant satisfaction

Clarion Partners was named a winner of the 2024 Kingsley Excellence Awards, which recognize commercial real estate (CRE) organizations that continually exceed industry standards and consistently deliver an outstanding tenant experience.* 

To qualify for a Kingsley Excellence Award, a property's tenant satisfaction must exceed the Kingsley Index™, one of the most comprehensive performance benchmarking databases in the commercial real estate industry.

“Surveys are the premier tool to gain insight and benchmark change. The Kingsley Excellence Awards recognize those who have gone above and beyond industry standards and understand the importance of delivering an outstanding tenant experience," said Kendall Pretzer, CEO of Grace Hill. "These are the companies who exceed expectations on a continual and consistent basis. Grace Hill is proud of the contributions these organizations make to the industry."

As a 12-year participant, Clarion Partners was recognized as a Kingsley Commercial Elite 5 winner in the retail category. The Elite 5 is a designation for the top CRE organizations with the highest overall tenant satisfaction scores across their portfolio in a key sector. To qualify for this award, firms must have at least 10 properties and complete the Kingsley Surveys program in the 2023 calendar year. The following retail properties were included in Clarion's survey:

In addition, Kingsley also recognizes individual CRE properties that outperform the Kingsley Index benchmark for overall satisfaction. Eighteen office properties and 18 industrial properties in Clarion Partners' portfolio have been named to the 100% Club, which is awarded to properties that have received a perfect 5.0 overall tenant satisfaction score for two years in a row. This special award designation offers an opportunity to showcase the property's performance to current and future tenants. For a full list of 100% Club properties, please click here



*Methodology for KingsleySurveys
All Grace Hill KingsleySurveys clients can be eligible for the award and are not solicited to participate. Clarion Partners pays an annual fee to Grace Hill for participating in the data-gathering process.


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