
Clarion Completes 24 LEED Certifications under the LEED Volume Program

Press Release


​​​​​​​NEW YORK – November 30, 2023 – Clarion Partners, LLC, a leading real estate investment manager and one of the largest owners and developers of logistics properties in the U.S., has achieved LEED certification for 24 industrial development projects under the U.S. Green Building Council's (USGBC) LEED v4 for Warehouse and Distribution Centers Volume Program (“LEED Volume Program").*

In 2021, Clarion developed a LEED Volume prototype along with sustainability consultants Argento/Graham for the certification of new development projects under the USGBC's LEED Volume Program. LEED, or Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, is the most widely used green building rating system in the world and an international symbol of excellence in green building.

Through the LEED Volume program, Clarion achieves LEED certification for development projects in a more efficient and cost-effective manner as compared to pursuing certification of individual buildings under the standard LEED program, offering expedited opportunities for the Firm to deliver Class A, modern, logistics facilities. In 2022, Mansfield Logistics Park Building 3, an 806,000-square-foot distribution warehouse in Mansfield, New Jersey, became the first property in Clarion's portfolio to achieve LEED certification under the LEED Volume program.

As of November 2023, the following industrial properties have received certifications for LEED Building Design and Construction (BD+C): Warehouses and Distribution Centers:

  • 2902 Mayfield Rd in Arlington, Texas
  • Fontana Foothills Commerce Center – Buildings 1 & 2 in Fontana, California
  • Gateway Business Center Phase II – Buildings 26 & 27 in Denver, Colorado
  • Gravel 85 – Buildings 100 & 200 in Buford, Georgia
  • Greenwood Industrial Park Building 900 in Henry County, Georgia
  • Hialeah Gardens Trade Center in Hialeah Gardens, Florida
  • Indy South Logistics Center – Buildings A & B in Greenwood, Indiana
  • Jefferson Mill Business Park Phase III – Building H in Jefferson, Georgia
  • KCI Logistics Centre – Buildings VII & VIII in Kansas City, Missouri
  • Lehigh Valley Trade Center II – Building C in Hazle, Pennsylvania
  • Mansfield Logistics Park Phase II in Mansfield, New Jersey
  • Ontario Ranch Logistics Center Phase III – Building 3 in Ontario, California
  • Point 70 Logistics Park Phase I – Buildings A & B in Mount Comfort, Indiana
  • Tracy Logistics Park – Buildings 1, 2 & 3 in Tracy, California
  • Western Beltway Park – Buildings 1 & 2 in Ocoee, Florida

Clarion has more than 8.8 million square feet of additional industrial development underway or soon to begin that is expected to achieve LEED certification over the next 6 to 12 months, with a pipeline of more than 20 million square feet of additional planned developments currently under review.

“As the U.S. industrial sector – both owners and tenants – continues to adopt more stringent sustainability standards, we believe that achieving LEED certification for new developments will help us to attract and retain high-quality tenants," said Clarion Managing Director Bohdy Hedgcock.



​* LEED Building Design and Construction certifications are issued by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI). These 24 buildings held valid certifications as of November 2023. Certifications are issued at the time of building development or major renovation and last in perpetuity. Rankings range from Certified to Platinum level for individual properties. Properties must pay registration and review fees to pursue LEED certifications.


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