
Investing in Wellness: Clarion Assets Receive Fitwel Recognition

Feature Story

Gables Vista Colorado

​​​​​​​​​​​​The Center for Active Design's (CAD) Fitwel program, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the General Services Administration, is a global health certification system that provides guidance on how to design and operate healthier buildings. Healthy building is the next generation of “green building" and not only includes environmentally responsible and resource-efficient building concepts, but also integrates health, wellness, and human experience in buildings.​

Clarion became a Fitwel Champion in 2020 for our efforts to improve the health features of our assets by Fitwel-certifying a large number of properties. To date, Clarion and Gables have certified 18 residential properties with an additional 10 expected for 2021.

We are active in other sectors such as office, and our Fitwel-related achie​vements to date include:

  • Highest Scoring Single-Tenant Building in the U.S. Under the Fitwel V2.1 Rating System​
    1900 15th Street in Boulder, CO earned a Fitwel 2-Star rating in recognition of office property design and operations strategies that support the physical, mental, and social health of occupants. The property is the highest scoring single-tenant building under the v2.1 rating system in the U.S., the first certified single-tenant v2.1 project in Colorado, and the third highest built certified project single-tenant v2.1 project in the world.

  • Largest Fitwel Multifamily Residential Project in Colorado
    Gables Vista in Denver, CO is the largest Fitwel Certified Multifamily Residential project in Colorado at 277,719 square feet and impacts the largest number of residents (323) compared to other multifamily residential projects in Colorado.

  • First Fitwel Multifamily Residential Certified Project in Houston
    Gables Crimson in Houston, TX is the first Fitwel Multifamily Residential Certified project in Houston and is the largest Fitwel Multifamily Residential Certified project in Texas at 454,124 square feet.​​




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